Audiovisual maker &
experimental screen designer
experimental screen designer
Richard van 't Hof (*Rotterdam, 1998) is a Rotterdam-based digital and audiovisual creator, specializing in editing. With his multidisciplinary background in film, front-end development, and graphic design, and his curious, analytical gaze, he enjoys discovering insights and stories in large amounts of information. This enables him to view the world from new perspectives and create works at the intersection of web technology and film, often with a societal impact.
Richard has been involved with film since the age of 12. He graduated from the Willem de Kooning Academy, where he particularly excelled in post-production, especially in editing and sound design. He enjoys working on challenging documentaries and other projects with a lot of visual material, where it is not immediately clear how everything can be put together. He enjoys acting as a second pair of eyes for the production and getting everything rhythmically and structurally correct.
During his studies, he also started with front-end development. He finds it interesting how computers can be used as means of expression, rather than just consumption devices where you always work within other people's programs. He likes to explore how he can combine programming techniques and audiovisual principles and animation to create works that adapt to the user.
Richard is currently active as an independent audiovisual creator and developer. In addition, he is researching how he can generate algorithmic images and music.